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Strategic Environmental Review (SER)

In co-operation with the national authorities in Ukraine, the Ukraine Sustainable Energy Lending Facility (USELF) commissioned a Strategic Environmental Review (SER) of renewable energy technologies.

The purpose of the SER is to identify key environmental issues associated with renewable energy projects and provide a source of environmental and social data relevant to guide and inform later environmental reviews of specific projects.

The SER focuses on the potential impacts of onshore wind, small hydropower, solar, biomass and biogas in areas of Ukraine that can support the technologies. The SER has been undertaken in collaboration with key stakeholders in the area of renewable energy development in Ukraine, including representatives from ministries, national and local authorities developers, local power utilities, non-governmental organisations and other interested parties.

The SER complies with EBRD Environmental and Social Policy and the Public Information Policy, and has been guided by the European Union Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive.